Baby Ducks Childcare in Portslade is a family run nursery for children aged between 16 months and 5 years. Our aim is to provide the best quality childcare and prices that all families can afford. To keep our costs to the families as low as we possibly can we try and source our toys, resources and furniture from as many different sources as we can.

What are we currently fundraising for?

A small shed to go in the garden to store our books that will open up to make a cosy book area for the children. It will offer a quiet space for the children to read their favourite books. Our original shed was unfortunately damaged beyond repair last year.
A new storage shed for the outside vehicles. Our existing shed was damaged in recent high winds and we can no longer patch it together. We have had this shed for over 15 years and it travelled with us from our old location. We now have more vehicles for the children so will need to get a bigger one than before. We are hoping to rais enough money to get a 8 x 6.
A new mat for group time. Our existing one was second hand from another setting which unfortunately closed a few years back. It is no longer fit for purpose so we are hoping to get a brand new one that will last us for many years to come.
February '24 - A massive thank you to everyone that has donated to our fundraiser either directly or by attending one of our events. We have now raised enough money to order the new gorup time mat, which we hope to have before Easter.